Website is now active, please still use with caution, don't reload or refresh your page due to double posting. Thanks.. You may also still use the (free) My Pay Site on our web page. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Ottumwa Water Works


Meetings are typically held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 4:00 p.m.

January 21 · 4:00pm
December 17 · 4:00pm
November 19 · 4:00pm
October 15 · 4:00pm

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did I receive a shut-off final notice when I paid my bill?

If your bill shows a previous balance, a shut-off final notice will be generated 10 days prior to the due date on the bill; this also increases the amount due by $10.00. Sometimes your payment and the shut-off final notice cross in the mail. If you feel this has happened please contact our office at (641) 684-4606. Bills not paid by the disconnection or termination date will be assessed a $65 termination (or attempted termination) fee.

Can I pay my bill with a credit card?

When paying online or over the phone you may use a debit or credit card. Please note that payments made by debit or credit cards are subject to a $1.25 processor fee and a convenience fee of 2% of the amount being paid.

Why did I receive a shut-off final notice when I paid my bill?

When paying online or over the phone you may use a debit or credit card. Please note that payments made by debit or credit cards are subject to a $1.25 processor fee and a convenience fee of 2% of the amount being paid.

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